Exhaust modification

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I was wondering, does anyone have photos of the stock exhaust pipes opened up? I plan on cutting mine open and taking out the baffling. Curious to see what it looks like in there.



-- ben (ben_kifle@yahoo.com), December 05, 2003


Pulling out your baffles could be very dangerous. You can screw up the back pressure that the pipes were designed for. I know of a guy who pulled the baffles and fucked up his motor.

-- ytak (ytak@comcast.net), December 06, 2003.

Well, thats what Casoli does and they charge $800 bucks for it...

-- tom (thaknife@yahoo.com), December 07, 2003.

You have any idea how to make this modification ???

-- Maximo Diaz (maximodiaz@entelchile.net), December 08, 2003.

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