Is there info on #3488 Ventilated Boxcar : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have a photo by C.K. Marsh, Jr. of a Central of Georgia Ventilated Boxcar #3488. The car is being used in a special "lumber" train of the S.A.L. R.R. This series car is not in the 1931 Freight Equipment book. I'd like to find some info about this series of cars. Car Data and when they were discontinued or anything such as that. When did the Central change from the lettering on this car and go to the Monogram? Thanks Don Worthy

-- Donald Worthy (, December 09, 2003



There's very little documentation on cars from that era. (I also have that same photograph.)

That particular vent box car (3488) does not appear in the 1904 CofGa Official List, but it does appear appear in the 1906 List (500 cars in series 3261-3760). Most of the 36' 30-ton cars were still on roster in May 1920, but all are off roster by July 1929.

The 1905 Annual Report notes that 1,000 vent box cars (in two groups of 500) were contracted for during the year ending June 30, 1905. It also notes that 887 cars were delivered prior to that date, with the remainder prior to June 30, 1906. The reports do not indicate who the cars were purchased from.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, December 09, 2003.

Don, somwhere between 1926 and 1932 the CG dropped using the curved lettering in favor of the monogram. If the car is not listed in the 31' freight car book then I can't be of much help there. Maybe Allen has some info he can help out with. Todd

-- Todd Horton (, December 09, 2003.

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