Premises available : LUSENET : AMTNSW : One Thread

The Complete Wellness Centre, opening early 2004, in the heart of Sydney. As a practitioner you have the choice to hire or lease an office, on an hourly, daily, weekly or full time basis, whatever suits your needs. We also encourage you to hold, or contribute to, seminars for private and corporate clients, to promote your own profession and business. As a separate business entity you will work independently. The centre will provide a full range of marketing, secretarial and support services for you to choose from. For more details or a private chat email: or phone Mark Latham 90418 445 513, Darren Weller 0400 264 866, Leofric or Pauline Kingsford-Smith 9487 5046 or visit:

-- Melanie Elsey (, December 18, 2003

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