YIKES! Leno Takes Bite of 125-Year-Old Fruitcake

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Should we tell them about our forum? Nah!

DETROIT (AP) -- Jay Leno was warned he may need a doctor, but went through with eating a 125-year-old fruitcake anyway.

"Is it crystalized," Leno said before eating a small bite pried from the cake with a pocketknife.

"It needs more time," he said after a deliberate chew.

Morgan Ford, 83, of Tecumseh, was Leno's guest on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." He brought his great-grandmother Fidelia Bates' fruitcake to Burbank, Calif., to share a piece with Leno for Tuesday's night's show.

Ford is the caretaker of the fruitcake, which has been handed down through generations.

Ford's daughter, Julie Ruttinger, of Tecumseh, e-mailed "The Tonight Show" recently about her family's antique fruitcake after seeing "The Fruitcake Lady" on the show. She wanted to tell them "we've got the real fruitcake."

Link to story

Too funny!!!

-- Gayla (privacy@please.com), December 24, 2003


I heard about this on the radio as I was driving to appointments the other day. I had the same response - should I tell them about our forum? Nah :-)

-- Tricia the Canuck (jayles@telusplanet.net), December 25, 2003.

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