Night O' practice at SMP Wednesday, January 14 : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I will design a line O' for practice at SMP. Meet at the main entrance and be ready to go at about 6:00. I'll bring a couple of maps with the line. Bring your own map if you can. We'll do the line O' as a group, with one leader following the line and the rest of us following the leader and keeping track of where we are. We'll take turns leading (maybe every 5 minutes or so).

Post here if you plan to make it.

-- Michael (, January 12, 2004


Looks like it'll be me, Gene, Mary and (maybe?) Dan. Mary has a map. I've got three. If anyone else comes, please bring a map.

-- Michael (, January 14, 2004.

Often I wimp out if the roads are bad, or I just decide it's too cold. No excuses in the forecast (high of 55 for the day), so count me in... m g

-- mean gene (, January 13, 2004.

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