Atlanta & West Point Pulman car paint scheme : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have friend with painted steel (not stainless) Atlanta and West Point pulman car. She is trying to rstore exterior to appropriate paint scheme. Does anyone know paint scheme, or better yet know where I might source color pitures?


-- R deButts (, January 20, 2004


Jerry and all - with respect to the password feature now in place on the ACL & SAL HS Q&A board, I understand your feelings and we in the ACL & SAL HS management are not thrilled about it either. However, it was the only mechanism available under the Greenspun structure to deal with a situation we had in which a few individuals were abusing the board, and one in particular who was doing so flagrantly by using the board for personal attacks and was otherwise violating our requests to stay off the board.

Our standard policy since the change is that the board is open to all ACL & SAL HS members. However, we also make it available to others with a bona fide interest in the rail history topics we cover, since as you point out, we recognize it is a good way to attract new members. Please e mail me off list for more details and if you'd like access to the board.

-- Larry Goolsby (, January 22, 2004.

>Another place folks might know more is on the ACL and SAL Q&A Forum, at:

I, myself, use to enjoy reading the information on the Q&A forum but since they changed it to being password protected, whatever that is suppose to mean, I have been unable to get in. Seems like a poor way to attract members... I sure would hate to see the other Greenspun bboards go the same way.

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, January 20, 2004.

Another place folks might know more is on the ACL and SAL Q&A Forum, at:

Ron. Wright

-- Ron. Wright (, January 20, 2004.

>painted steel (not stainless)

Well, you have my curiousity up... is the car a heavyweight or lightweight? Do you have any photos you could share?

One place to ask about this is the Georgia Railway - West Point Route email list at Yahoo Groups. The link is below...

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, January 20, 2004.

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