
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

What does it mean to hate?

What does hating do to an individual?

What does it do to your immortal soul?

-- Bill Nelson (bnelson45@hotmail.com), January 28, 2004


Hatred is merley Love misapplied normally.

Hatred is an intence dislike, or abbhorance towards, an object or person, beleif, idea, or preasence.

Hatred is thus classified as a sort of Anti-Love, and in most peoples minds, this is what it means.

Hatred, it has been shown throughout hisotry, dustorts ones reasoning, and causes mental fatiuge, as well as Psycological stress. It can cause physical illness as well.

Hatred shoudl be reserved for those things, like sin, in which we need to hate, and not dwelt upon...I shall posy longer on this in future, after I have thought of it more... but this si a good topic.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), January 28, 2004.

At a divorce , it can be a temporary hate !!

But how I look to it:

I hate mayonnaise , is more , I don't like it !!

But real hate: If someone kills a person , than a lot people (family , friends) have hate for the killer !! I have hate against 1 person in my family , 'cause she (tries to) destroy(s) everything (friensdhip , marriages , ....) , she even enjoys it !!

In other words , an intern aggression !!

Salut & Cheers from A NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), January 28, 2004.

Glenn K.

Would you like to add something to this thread?

Didn't you mention something about "hating" the Holy Mass?

-- - (David@excite.com), January 29, 2004.

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