Weekly Standard Exposé on Fanatical Focus on Abortion by UNICEF, UNFPA, CPR

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Weekly Standard Exposé on Fanatical Focus on Abortion by UNICEF, UNFPA, CPR

LONDON, February 3, 2004 (

-- Bill Nelson (
bnelson45@hotmail.com), February 04, 2004


Response to Weekly Standard Exposé on Fanatical Focus on Abortion by UNICEF, UNFPA, CPR

correction: Weekly Standard Exposé on Fanatical Focus on Abortion by UNICEF, UNFPA, CPR

LONDON, February 3, 2004 (LifeSiteNew s.com) - An article by Joseph Bottum, appearing yesterday in Britain's Weekly Standard begs the question: "What price are the international activists who cluster around the United Nations willing to pay to achieve the ability of any woman--at any place, for any reason--to have an abortion?"

-- Bill Nelson (bnelson45@hotmail.com), February 04, 2004.

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