Dr. Wakefield's Sanitarium

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I'm looking for information on Dr. Wakefield's Sanitarium, or the Wakefield Sanitarium, located in the City of San Francisco. The earliest date I've found for it is 1915, but I know it was open in 1921, which is the year in which I'm interested. The information I have is that it was an obstetrical/gynecological establishment, but since it was a Sanitarium it may have treated long-term illnesses, also. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

-- Joan Myers (missmerrivale@yahoo.com), February 20, 2004


The building at 1065 Sutter is listed in the 1923 Directory as the Dr W Francis B Wakefield Hospital. Interestingly, this building was the original Mount Zion Hospital when Joseph Brandenstein (the MJB coffee guy)was president.

Subsequent names for the building included St Winifred's Sanatorium, Sutter Hospital, Doctors Hospital and Golden Gate Community Hospital.

The building currently houses Brother Juniper's Cafeteria.

Good luck in your research.

-- Kurt Iversen (iversenk@aol.com), February 21, 2004.

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