1910 SF Kitchen Properties

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

A theatrical company I work with is putting on the play "I Remember Mama." I am a prop assistant and need some ideas as to what kind of kitchenware, dinnerware, glassware and "trays" would be in a kitchen of that era, specifically a kitchen of a poor family. All ideas and suggestions will be welcomed. Abbe in Oakville, Canada.

-- Abbe Osicka (abbe.osicka@simsmoelich.com), February 24, 2004


Try locating a reprinted/reproduction Sears and Roebuck catalogue for some ideas. I have a 1902 edition that, with a little study, builds a very good image of what was going on back then. Clothing, kitchen, parlor, pantry, it has just about everything. Remember, this is theatrics and few focal items will go a long way, a kitchen cabinet with flour bins, period table and chairs, lamp, drainboard, etc; think sparse, think Honeymooners, only rolled back a few years. Sounds fun.

-- will (willstaiger@yahoo.com), February 24, 2004.

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