Where might I find college assistance for my child (I'm disabled due to Parkinson's Disease)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Disabled Parents Network : One Thread

I'm a 47 year old single parent of a wonderful 16 year old daughter. In 1994 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's, lost my job (an 18 year career in Human Resources)and eventually divorced.

My greatest regret is taking the prior years for granted when I worked and never giving a thought to "What if...."

I want to give my child all the support in her goal of a college degree. I want to make the most of the remaining time before high school is over. Are there programs to help someone like me and in turn help my child?

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2004


I just received amazing news! I found someone who would sponsor a scholarship and I thought I would let you all know. Through the Looking Glass, an organization in California has started a scholarship for children of disabled parents. If you want, feel free to pass this information on. http://lookingglass.org/news/scholar.php I hope this helps. Thank you. Have a wonderful week and good luck! ~Rebecca Volzer

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2004

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