Kirkham Street steps : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Regarding those long steps on Kirkham which go south up the side of the hill, around 14th or so. Does anyone remember the Laurel and Hardy movie where they were moving a piano up a long flight of outdoor stairs? I was told many years ago that it was filmed on those very steps. Looking at the old footage, it very well may have been. Anyone know?

-- Don Beppino (, March 18, 2004


"The Music Box,1932, Laurel and Hardy film was shot about three blocks from Silver Lake Blvd. at 923-927 Vendome St., Los Angeles

-- glen salter (, March 18, 2004.

This site was used more then once by Laural and Hardy. You can see these Southern California stairs in both HATS OFF and THE MUSIC BOX.

-- strange (, March 18, 2004.

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