Ophelia's mysterious death

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread

I am in desperate help of the information about Ophelia's death, i have to write and essay about it and have watched the movie and read the script, bvut still don't understand it. Any information about her death would be much appreciated.

If you have the part (of the script) where she is going mad up until she dies/kills herself in modern english. Please, please, please send it to me via e-mail. Thanks.

-- Rebecca Lenz (rebeccalenz137@hotmail.com), March 24, 2004


Hmm. Well, I'd really advise you to talk to your teacher and explain your difficulty. It sounds like you are having problems simply with understanding the language rather than the play itself. As far as I know, there is no version in modern English, but if you talk to your teacher, he or she can help you with words and expressions you don't understand, and then I'm sure it will make sense to you.

-- catherine england (catherine.england@arts.usyd.edu.au), March 25, 2004.

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