Kerry's Media Op : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

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"So much for Kerry Catholicism. On Sunday, John Kerry showed up for the 10:30 Mass at Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church at 10:41 a.m. (The church had roped off two pews for the VIP.) Adding further insult, Kerry arrived noisily, fully outfitted for skiing, not dressed for a religious service. Compounding the insult -- this time to all Catholics in good standings -- Kerry received the sacrament of Holy Eucharist, even though he's not considered to be a Catholic in good standing.

"It was just a media-op," says a Kerry advance staffer. "We set it up with some reporters that we knew were going to be there."

Kerry, who claims to be a practicing Roman Catholic (though lately he's been playing up his partial Jewishness), has consistently voted in support of abortion as both a state politician in Massachusetts and in his time in Washington. He has also spoken in support of euthanasia. He has stated that he disagrees with the Catholic position in both areas.

Under church law, Kerry's very public support of abortion disqualifies him from the sacraments. He is not known to be a regular Mass attendee. In fact, some Roman Catholics in Boston have in the past pressed for the bishops there to excommunicate Kerry for his refusal to accept Catholic doctrine and canon law."

-- (, March 25, 2004



-- (, March 25, 2004.

while kerry was risking his life in vietnam, your boy, george w., got a stint in the national guard (taking advantage of his fathers standing). not long after, george was bankrupting the texas rangers, drinking to his content, i believe he was a cocaine user, too......

i am neither for kerry or george at this point. but our current president is no model christian, either (theres a difference between fighting for moral causes and PANDERING to the religious right).

oh-- and kerry's attire at church. what church do YOU go to? ive seen catholics in shorts and those annoying thong sandals that snap when you walk. how gay looking on a man.

-- jas (, March 25, 2004.

The diffeences are legion. FOr one, Bush's deeds you mention are his past, prior to his Born Aain experience. If Kerry did stupid things years ago no one shoudl hold him in ill repute if he changed., Kerry's dress was not the main issue, the problem was mainly with his own LACK OF RESPECT for the Sacrament. He clealry showed up JUST to look more religious, and was not goign to be too iconveneinced by it. Clealry the man has money, and coudl have, if he had spent a little more time, gotten into a proper mode of dress. The fact that he didnt suggests tht he was really more interested in Skiing than goign to Church.

Its less about his actual mode of dress, and more about his intent with the mode of dress. Likewise, the Bibel spacifically FORBIDS s to make special treatment in a Church to a Chruchgoer. Jeuss personally spoke of this matter, that some woudl give the rich man a better seat, and make the poor his footstool. This is what we did with Kerry and his roppied off area.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 25, 2004.

Since this is a Catholic forum and I am a Catholic, my primary concern on this topic is not a political one, but one of a highly visible public figure who represents himself as a member of my church, yet carelessly and openly flaunts the Church's teachings. His actions and statements to the press and public give a very bad example to not only other Catholics who waver in their faith but also to non-Catholics as to what our faith is all about. IMHO, he exemplifies many of the ongoing disturbing issues of the Church in this country and by the nature of his public office, helps to magnify them. Praise God for leaders in the Church who are not silent in the face of this and other examples of downright modern heresy from Church members. Sen.Kerry is in greater need of prayers more than votes.

-- lesley (, March 25, 2004.

My thoughts exactly. Kerry claims to be Catholic, and thus represents us to everyone else. This is the real issue, not the politics. Bush is not a saint, and no one is claiming that he is. However, I am not voting for someone who is a poor excuse for a Catholic and misrepresents my church to the world.

-- Marie (, March 25, 2004.

Well since he is trying to be more Jewish, the proper term for him is shmuck, shmegegi, and shaigetz ainer!

-- Scott (, March 26, 2004.

I prefer lhing backstabbing Cheat, who disrepsects God and everyone else.bUT MY NAME IS ALAS, TOO LONG.

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 26, 2004.

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