CRUCIFIXION : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

How accurate are the Crucifixion pictures painted by Catholic artists throughout the centuries?

1. Jesus had long hair; Yes or No?

2. Jesus was still wearing the Crown of Thorns at the point of death; Yes or No?

3. Jesus had a piece of cloth covering his genitalia at the point of death; Yes or No?

Please provide evidence/support to your answers.

-- John (, March 28, 2004



-- (bump@bump.bump), March 28, 2004.

1. Jesus had long hair; Yes or No?

{Unknown, as no Historical reference to jesus's hair length is made. However, what classifies as Logn hair these days woudl have been common for first centurryPalastine. }-Zarove

2. Jesus was still wearing the Crown of Thorns at the point of death; Yes or No?

{Again, unknown, we have no refeence ot them takign it off, but no real reference tot hem leavign it on.}-Zarove

3. Jesus had a piece of cloth covering his genitalia at the point of death; Yes or No?

{More than likely no, romans cricified peopel nude. The wrappign is added for decency sake.}-Zarove

-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), March 28, 2004.

1. Jesus had long hair; Yes or No?


2. Jesus was still wearing the Crown of Thorns at the point of death; Yes or No?

likewise irrelevant

3. Jesus had a piece of cloth covering his genitalia at the point of death; Yes or No?

also irrelevant.

Let me ask you a question... what does it matter, the appearance of Christ, if you dont understand the mystery of his sacrifice?

-- paul h (, March 28, 2004.

Well Paul h there just simple questions and we shouldn't condem people or discredit people for asking such things and I'm not saying you are. I would uderstand if someone was just so "concerned" about Jesus's hair or the crown of thorns etc then that would be foolish but to only simply fellowship about them is ok.

The shrine is interesting too but there's no reasing to be so "concerned" about it where it holds with your faith.

Praise the Lord!

-- Jason (Enchanted, March 28, 2004.

Dear paul h,

I will never fully understand the mystery of the sacrifice of Christ precisely because it is a mystery. My query is concerned about the historical accuracy of the aesthetic elements of the picture of Crucifixion. I was just wondering if this forum could help me with historical/theological evidences. I do not think that the pictorial elements of the Crucifixion bear no relevance.

-- John (, March 29, 2004.

The Shroud of Turin (as a piece of reference) gives us some answers. Of course, you are not obliged to believe in the Shroud.

On the shroud he has long hair. He is also still wearing the crown, but the crown is more of a complete skull cap, not the circlet that we are more used to.

Zarove is right about the cloth. Romans crucified people naked.


-- Dan Garon (, March 29, 2004.

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