Some advice please for a person trying to get closer to God : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi ! please refresh me - what does it mean to receive Jesus in Holy communion, worthily ?

And also, if you get distracted by people at mass and get annoyed at people for no real reason - is this a sin ? What does this mean ? As I find myself getting annoyed at people, esp. during mass and this is causing me grief - as I dont want such feelings/ thoughts - And how important are feelings in acts of charity/ being nice to our neighbour ?

thanks heaps Veronica D

-- veronica D (, March 31, 2004


Bump the above !

-- Veronica D (, March 31, 2004.


The Mass being the re-enactment of the passion and death of Christ, will obviously have Satan trying to interfere with people's concentrations. The Mass is the ONLY christian service where Christ comes down in his true presence.

In order to aviod all distractions, I would say that you sit at the front, near the tabernacle to focus on Jesus. It also helps to know that you always go to Mass with Our Lady, so keeping a Rosary in your hands signifies that that with her, you are witnessing Calvary all over again.

When distractions come, just say, "Satan, you are defeated." He normally leaves at that!

-- Andrew (, March 31, 2004.

Yes, sitting up front at Mass is a big help. It also helps to find a location, and a time, that is amenable to you personally. We are all different and can be attracted to God in very different ways.

For me, my most reverent and prayerful experiences don't happen at Sunday mass when there are just so many distractions. Also, there are churches where I know the liturgy and/or homily will be in a style, or convey a message, that does not strike a very harmonious chord with me.

Seek, and you will find.

-- Pat Delaney (, March 31, 2004.

We need to remember not to get too hung up on our emotions. I know what it is like to be annoyed in Mass. Heck, at my parish, I am often annoyed at our lefty-loosey preist. But this doesn't invalidate anything anyone does at mass. Our faith, our participation, and our worship are all acts of the will. They are not dependent on our feelings in any way. It would sure be nice if we always felt loving, but sometimes it is the very fact that your are acting kindly despite the fact that you are annoyed at someone that makes it such a meritorious act of charity.

You might find that not worrying about your emotions so much will actually help. I have certainly had the experience of getting annoyed and then being annoyed at my own annoyance. This starts a downward spiral.

Less distraction is good, but if you have kids, there is no such thing as a distraction free mass.


-- Dan Garon (, March 31, 2004.

Hi Veronica,

Please see the thread "Meaning of the Eucharist" for more about receiving Jesus in Holy Communion.

God bless,

-- Emily (, March 31, 2004. Grandmother used to say, "I would have no problem being charitable all the time if it weren't for other people."..LOL LOL LOL..She was wonderful and I miss her so much. We all get annoyed sometimes for no apparent reason. When it happens to me, I ask God to grant me some bit of extra grace to get through church,I ask His forgiveness for judging others harshly and being irritated with them, and then try my best to concntrate on HIM because that's why I'm there..sometimes I'm able to do that and sometimes not..yet at least I'm really TRYING.

-- lesley (, March 31, 2004.

Veronica, I get distracted too, and on top of it I'm a bit hard of hearing and can't hear exactly every word, and I have to keep looking between the altar and the missal so that I'm in sync. I think Eucharistic Adoration can help with concentration and overcoming distractions.

To receive Jesus worthily, one needs to confess mortal sins before going to Mass. And, of course, everyone gets irritated with others once in a while. If it's a common occurance, talking it over with a priest is a good idea. My husband says that I can get snarky. LOL. So I have to work on not being snarky.

God bless,

-- vg (, March 31, 2004.

Hi Veronica,

Like said in an above letter it is very uesful to sit at front. I do this to avoid getting distracted. I also close my eyes most of the times because then, only my sense of hearing and distracting thoughts are all I need to discipline. God Bless You and may HE help you to do your best according to HIS will. Ramanie.

-- Ramanie Weerasinghe (, April 02, 2004.

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