can i still sell my house : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

took out remortgage with igroup they are seeking reposession their solicitors are Wragge & Co LLP. Put house on the market a week before receiving court order. Can I still sell my house?

-- Bridgit Carvell (, April 23, 2004


Yes of course you can still sell your house as long as you are still in possession of it. You say you have received a court order - was this for a suspended possession order? Or do you mean you have received a summons and have to go to court?

If the former, so long as you comply with the terms of the suspended possession order, you can continue to live there and put it up for sale.

If you have yet to go to court - if you can show you can meet the ongoing monthly payments and something off the arrears (taking the rest of the mortgage term if necessary under the Norgan rules), you will get a suspended possession order and suspended judgment which are not entered on your credit files until and if you fail to keep to the terms.

-- David J. Button (, April 23, 2004.


I would suggest, as a matter of URGENCY, you contact Carol Riley of the National Association of Mortgage Victims who has a lot of experience in dealing with IGroup. The tel no. is 01889 507394, it may take a while to get through, but keep trying, you may find it worth your while....NAMV incorporates the CMC/OCWEN and 'i' GROUP Victims Associations


-- M Amos (, April 24, 2004.


I forgot to add take a look at the NAMV website:

-- M Amos (, April 24, 2004.

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