wtd std f4 exhaustgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
wanted mv f4 standerd exhaust stystem will swop for my carbon phill read system
-- jeery cooke (jdwcooke@aol .com), April 24, 2004
i just bought an f4s today and am looking for an exhaust do you have any pictures and may i ask why you want to trade i'm definetly willing to trade but i've never seen this system before thanks bryan
-- bryan rice (rice72fast@prodigy.net), April 25, 2004.
I just purchased an '04 SPR a few weeks ago and I might trade you my stock exhaust if your interested... Are you letting go the EPROM as well? Does your system have an EPROM?
-- manicducpressive (Jacob@Newson.net), May 01, 2004.