lighten/darken switch doesn't work on my vivitar slide printer : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

Hi there,

This is my first post here. I've just bought a Vivitar Slide Printer, and I seem to have managed to avoid all the problems novices to pack film encounter, but...

The lighten/darken switch on the printer doesn't work. It's as if inside it's stuck on the lightest (overexposure) value. Only underexposed slides print so-so, and changing the position of the switch doesn't change the output.

Any ideas on how can I fix it?

Also, I've noticed that the timer seems to turn itself on when the printer is switched off, but this doesn't really bother me.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Łukasz

-- Łukasz Kacperczyk (, May 06, 2004

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