Our Lady of Guadalupegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
Has anyone seen Juan Diego's cloak for himself? I only recently even heard of this and have read only one book. Any other info or book suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
-- mark advent (adventm5477@earthlink.net), May 06, 2004
-- Dan Garon (boethius61@yahoo.com), May 06, 2004.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness of the Americas, not just of Mexico. I went and saw the cloak. Its held up high behind some glass over the altar of a basillica just outside of Mexico City. The image of Our Lady is so vibrant. Its amazing to see it and imagine how Juan Diego would have opened his cloak, let the flowers fall out to reveal this beautifully colored image imprinted onto the fabric. There's a hill just behind the basillica, and atop there's another tiny little old shrine that originally held the cloak. As you climb what seems like thousands of steps, there's roses and flowers that grow along the hillside. I was told that those types of flowers and roses don't usually grow at such high altitudes, but after Our Lady appeared they began to grow wildly there, at all times of the year. It's practically a criminal offense if any tourist picks them. But you can buy rosaries made from those roses at the gift shop. Super cool experience. I suggest not going anytime close to the feast of Guadalupe or any Mexican National Holidays. It gets so packed, and even though its beautiful to see all the pilgrims, its better experienced without the crowds.
-- tim (tim@tim.com), May 06, 2004.
Check this out: http://www.sancta.org/Here you'll find all the info on Our Lady of Guadalupe
-- Enrique Ortiz (eaortiz@yahoo.com), May 07, 2004.