
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I was raised in the Catholic Church and my husband was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church. We were married in the Catholic Church and decided then that our children would be raised in as Catholics since I have stronger ties to my church and he is does not practice any more. We are now beginning to discuss plans for a family and have spoken about the possibility of Godparents. I do not have any siblings (my brother passed 8 years ago) and his sisters who we are very close with are Greek Orthodox. They would be the perfect godmothers but they are not Catholic. Is this going to be a problem or will some parishes make exceptions? What if anything would you recommend if my parish refuses to baptise our "future children"?

-- Kimberly (kkyrou@sunyrockland.edu), May 11, 2004




-- Dan Garon (boethius61@yahoo.com), May 11, 2004.

Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism paragraph 98(b) says:

Because of the close communion between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches, it is permissible for a just cause for an Eastern faithful to act as godparent; together with a Catholic godparent, at the baptism of a Catholic infant or adult, so long as there is provision for the Catholic education of the person being baptized, and it is clear that the godparent is a suitable one.

-- Mark (aujus_1066@yahoo.com), May 11, 2004.

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