Bird/Byrd ancestors : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

Looking for Bird/Byrd ancestors of Montgomery County, N.C. Henry Wade Byrd married Martha Thompson. Thomas Calvin Byrd married Martha Harris. Trying to find out who Henry Wade Byrd's parents were. Any help or info is greatly appreciated.

-- Brenda Johnson (, May 19, 2004


am looking for the same info. he was my great great grandfather. in looking at the 1850 and 1860 census we see a gooden bird,thomas s. bird and a jennett or jenny bird that lived within a house or two of henry wade and marthas father. i got to believe these birds may be related. my dad who is 89 seems to remember hearing papy bird (thomas calvin) talk of his father being from down east, but have had no success in finding anything. if you have found out anymore i would appreciate knowing. my brother looked for his grave in virginia at orange, but they told him that a lot of those soldiers were moved up to culpepper. gooden,nancy,jenny,and thomas s. start disappering from the censes in l870, and l880, but you may know this. if only i had listened to my grandmother (carrie byrd), before she died,33 years ago, we might would know where he came from. thanks.

-- phillip a. furr (, December 18, 2004.

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