Looks like she made it!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Most of you know one of our kids suffered a serious brain injury several years ago. Dealing with special ed has been a frustration for both us and them.

Well, she graduated high school! She didn't finish her school work until that very morning, but she finished.

She said she could hear me yelling as she crossed the finish line and got her diploma.

-- helen (worn@out.mule), May 22, 2004


Awe Helen, you are such a good mom (among other things!). Good job, and see all that yelling paid off! Bet Mike was pretty proud, not to mention Mr Helen, and the siblings and critters. Happy graduation day!!!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), May 22, 2004.


THis is SUPER noos. Just SUPER noos!!!

ENJOY your victory and know that you, your Wild Child, the Lord, and ALL of us ancient Fruitcakes share in your joy.

c - nac

-- notachance (who@anonamoose.com), May 22, 2004.

Helen, I can truly (from experience) understand the joy and relief. Congratulations! What a happy day!

My daughter graduated from college on the 8th. Magna Cum Laude (3.7 GPA) I was SOOOO proud.

My other child (the one like your wild child) is in very serious trouble again. All prayers appreciated!

-- Gayla (privacy@please.com), May 23, 2004.

Helen What lovely news. Very hearty and much deserved congratulations to you both.

Gayla Congratulations to your graduate also. Prayers and hugs to you and your other child in need. Being a parent is both the hardest and most rewarding job in life. I hope you can get what ever help you need for this child.

-- Carol (c@oz.com), May 23, 2004.

Thanks to all who held my hand here all these years. And Gayla, prayers and congratulations!

-- helen (cloud@nine.until.the.next.crisis), May 23, 2004.

Woo Hoo, Helen! Tell her we are all very proud of her graduating!

-- (sonfodust@onceaparent.alwaysaparent), May 23, 2004.

Helen, what are friends for, if not to hold your hand during a crisis? That is what friends do.

Gayla, congrats on the graduation, and I could just feel your buttons popping! As for the wild child, you know my prayers are with you, as always. Blessings to you and yours, and know you are loved!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), May 23, 2004.

Yippee yahoo, Helen!!!! Congratulations!!

And yippee for Gayla's daughter, too!!! (And prayers for you and your son, Gayla. Let me know if there's more I can do than prayer).

-- Tricia the Canuck (jayles@telusplanet.net), June 02, 2004.

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