Value of Mcclelland Barclay metal sculpture : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I am trying to decide whether to purchase a Mcclelland Barclay statue. It is signed and dated 1931. The staue depicts a nude on a turtle. It is a pot metal scuplture which was painted by the artist. What would the ballpark value be of a Mcclelland Barclay statue such as this one?It is approximately 12 inches by 8 inches. I have looked up information on Barclay who also made jewelry. I would value your opinion. Thank You............Carol Sym

-- Carol Sym (, June 06, 2004


I have seen prices from $330 to $550 for it.

-- caryn metrakos (, July 21, 2004.

My grandfater worked for Mcclelland Barclay and possibly designed the statue that you describe and yes, I agree with the price presented prior. Could you send me a photo as I am in the process of doing a book on Mcclelland Barclay metal sculpture. Thank you,

Jack Maraffi 2766 Edgehill Ave Riverdale,NY 10463

-- jack maraffi (, December 15, 2004.

My grand father and grand mother where personal freinds of Mc Clelland Barclay in the day and I have inherited a number of his scupltures and due have some photos of his work at exsibets in the 1930's along with some of his catalogs copyright 1932

-- George O'Connor (, January 15, 2005.

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