Looking for pictures of the Southern Crescentgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread |
I'm looking for pictures of the Southern Crescent from the 50's and 60's if possible, preferably around Atlanta, but I'm not picky. Many Thanks, William Brotherton
-- William Brotherton (william@brothertonlaw.com), June 10, 2004
William, I don't have any pictures for you but just for the record, a little note on the train name.It was not called "Southern Crescent" except between 1970 and 1979.
For the time period you are concerned about there were actually two different trains, The Crescent and the Southerner. The Crescent ran from NY to NO via ATl, Montogmery and Mobile. The Southerner ran between NY and NO via ATl, BHM and Meridian.
The Crescent was primarily a pullman train and the Southerner was heavy on coaches, to keep it a simple explanation.There southbound schdules were similar, but northbound quite different. There were other trains on the same routes, but these were the two streamliners, the two which "stood out".
In 1970, the two were sort of combined into one, thus, the new name "Southern Crescent".
Southern eventually relinquished the train to Amtrak in 1979 and Amtrak, at that time, dropped the name "Southern" and it became known simply as The Crescent.
So, your search for pictures would need to be for one train or the other or both. Pictures of either can be found in many magazines, etc, I personally am not a computer person and would not have the resoruces to send them to you that way.
Perhaps others can help on that point, but anyway, you need to know they were two separate trains in that time period of 1950 to 1960.
If you would like more detailed info, ask away and perhaps I can help with that.
I do have timetables from the period.
-- bill haithcoat (bhaithcoat@ajc.com), June 10, 2004.