Definition of Civil Ceremony : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

What, exactly, is the Catholic Church's definition of a Civil Ceremony? One that is not performed by a member of any church?

-- Jake Workeski (, June 25, 2004


It is a ceremony conducted by an official of the state (such as a judge) or someone licensed by the state (such as a justice of the peace), which results in a legally binding civil contract but nothing more.

-- Paul M. (, June 25, 2004.

Unless you are seeking an annulment, in which case it is considered a marriage.

Don't ask me to explain why, because no one (not even on this forum) has been able to explain it to where it makes sense.

-- GT (, June 25, 2004.

The purpose of an annulment investigation is to determine whether it ever was a marriage. Nothing is assumed.

-- Paul M. (, June 25, 2004.

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