FYI - Turning Off Alerts : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

FYI - I noticed that there were a lot of illicit alerts being generated again for each posting, so I took a few minutes to turn them off. I hope I didn't turn a legitimate one off by accident - if I did, sorry. If you notice alert emails such as the "" or anything along those lines, it's just someone being annoying, they're not real of course. It's easy to delete them by going to the main page and selecting the "Edit Alerts" option and then just enter the offending email addresses and change their status to "disable". Hope that helps.


-- Dave non-Catholic Christian (, July 23, 2004


Thanks Dave. I did see many of those alert addresses this morning as I posted. Twisted sense of humor. Thanks again.

-- Jennifer (, July 23, 2004.

Dave, what's the "main page" to which you refer? Is this the Catholic forum homepage, LUSENET, or the Greenspun homepage? Can you provide a link? Also, I looked all over on all three of these, and I couldn't find anything that said "Edit Alerts." Where do I find this? Thanks.

-- (need@help.withthis), July 26, 2004.

It's on the Catholic Forum main page, not the Recent Answers page. Scroll to the bottom and click the link within the "If you want to follow this discussion by email, click here to add an alert." and then use the "Edit Previous Alerts" area to change existing alerts (disable/enable). Sorry for less than precise in my first post.


-- non-Catholic Christian (, July 28, 2004.

Oh, having posted my response, I can see that someone has obviously cluttered it up again . . . when will the children grow up?


-- non-Catholic Christian (, July 28, 2004.

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