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Can a Jewish baby be validy baptized by a Christian without the mother's knowledge?
-- Tony (, August 02, 2004
Validly, yes. Licitly (lawfully), no, unless the baby is in imminent danger of death.
-- Paul M. (, August 02, 2004.
I agree with Paul. The baby is now a Catholic at least until it reaches the age of reason. Aftr that, if that person rejects the Catholic faith, he is , and aways will have the mark of baptism, but it will not aid in his salvation.If some tried to baptise a 20 yer old Jew, against his will, and in fact did, the baptism would not be valid. At the age of reason one must desire that baptism, before it occurs. (Council of Trent)
Baptism is necessary for salvation, and anyone who is not baptized cannot enter Heaven. Our Blessed Lord said as much, when He said, "Unless a man is baptized with water and the Spirit,he cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven".
I hope this helps Tony.
-- Melissa (, August 02, 2004.