I was married the traditional way and had a child and then got divorced can i marry the catholic way now to someone different

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I got married to a woman some 2 years ago and we had a child.Soon after the child's birth my wife began to have differences with my family until she decided to leave together with my child. After about 6months i got married to another woman.My question is, am i allowed to marry the catholic way as me and my past wife were married the traditional way?.

-- gideon mandaza (giddymandaza@yahoo.co.uk), August 04, 2004


Bump, srr your wife left you, bu you woudl have to have it annuled, whihc may not happen...

-- ZAROVE (ZARIFF3@JUNO.COM), August 04, 2004.

If by "the traditional way" you mean a civil ceremony, and if you and/or your first wife were Catholic at the time of the wedding, then it should be a fairly simple matter to have your first marriage declared null. You would have to do that before you could marry in the Church.

-- Paul M. (PaulCyp@cox.net), August 04, 2004.

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