Opinions/Help- Slide Printer Optionsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Hi! I'm brand new at Polaroid manipulations, and just went through my first(and only)pack of Time Zero film!I'm on disability and cannot afford the expensive slide printers so I'm checking eBay. Any opinions on Vivitar vs. Sunpak?
Also, some of the auctions list the films recommended for the Vivitar, and Time Zero is not one of them. Can you use it?
Thanks in advance!
-- Bianca Escarcega (bescarce@hotmail.com), August 20, 2004
To use sx-70 film, you need the larger Daylab machine and an sx-70 base - each costs several hundred dollars, new. Unless there is another kind of Vivitar Slide Printer then the one I have, you can only use 669 film in it. There is no way to even change film holder bases on mi
-- ljc (ljcefali@aol.com), August 27, 2004.