How good is the SPR Value for money? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I Live in australia and am in the process of purchasing my first bike ever, I've ridden an Aprilia RS 250 years ago and have just finished college and landed a well paying job, so I have decided to purchase the bike of my dreams, the MV Agusta F4 SPR. As I am new to the sales world I want to hear from some experts regarding price and wether or not its a good buy. In Australia the Rec retail is $42,000 I got the dealer down to $36,000 is this a good deal? I need some advice please

-- Paul Lalley (, September 29, 2004


who you are dealing with ??? what exhausts etc are you getting are they doing a trade?? are you paying cash on the day . does he give you discounts on future products/services. Are you dealing with some one in sydney as I have been thru the same shit fight but know they have a great mark up regardless of what they say. warranty should be looked into as all dealers of new MV aren't what they seem ,there are transitions of product selling & remissions of agencies.

-- Errol meulen (meulen1, September 29, 2004.

The dealer is Brisbane Motorcycles, the bike is a stock standard F4 SPR, Finance with a $10K Deposit. 10% discount on all accessories helmet lethers etc. Warranty is standard 2years. What are transitions of product selling & remissions of agencies?

Thanks for your help Errol.

-- Pau Lalley (, September 29, 2004.

Just a heads up, that dealer is no longer an MV dealer, the MV dealership went to a new place in Virginia so just check that this won't create any hassles with your warranty and first service etc.

Cheers Ed Brissie F4

-- ed (, September 30, 2004.

Hi there,

I bought a discounted Brutale from them a few months a ago as they are dropping MV due to the appointment of another Brisbane dealer in competition.

Had no problem with first service or them looking after a small waranty issue.

The discount on the Brutale was down to their costs so assume the SPR the same so it is proably as cheap as you will get a new SPR.

I saw the bike in the showroom a few days ago as I have had my eyes on it too, But do not ride enough to have two MVS!

Good luck

-- bjhjames (, September 30, 2004.

Buying an SPR as your first bike after a 250!!! A courageous decision?

SPR stands for Special Production Racing, and it really is intended a racing machine for the track. Definitely enrol in an advanced riding course before trying it out. Have you had your licence for long (3 yrs) - if not you probably cannot ride it on the road in Australia.

-- Dr Paul Rutherford (, October 01, 2004.

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