Is there any place for God or spirituality in RT? : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

Hi, I'm new to all this and I just wondered if there is any place for God or spirituality in Reality Therapy or Choice theory? Do Mr Glasser's writings include any room for the area of a 'higher power' in either influencing or controlling our choices?

Many thanks, Ann

-- Ann Wale (, September 29, 2004


I would imagine that in using reality therapy or indeed any other therapy that the context of the encounter and the religious beliefs of both the counsellor and the client would be the the deciding factors in whether or not God or spirituality would feature. Choice Theory however has been written about in a religious context by quite a number of authors.[See list of journal articles] Brent Dennis, in particular, has several articles in the International journal setting Choice Theory in a Christian context. He sees the five basic needs being 'overarched' by a single great spiritual need under which all the others are subsumed. There are also articles by Ron Carlson and others that show how they understand Choice Theory in the context of their work as pastors,

-- ken lyons (, September 29, 2004.

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