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How dangerous is it, when misunderstood, the idea put forth by Dei Verbum that God is present in the People, in the Word, in the Priest, and in the Church as well as in the Eucharist?

-- 7878 (, September 30, 2004


Like any truth it can be dangerous if misunderstood. If it is misunderstood, the fault does not lie in the truth itself, but in the person who did not adequately explain it and/or the person who did not make sufficent effort to understand it.

-- Steve (, September 30, 2004.

The statement that "God is present in the People, in the Word, in the Priest, and in the Church" is of course absolutely true. On the other hand, the statement that "God is present in the Eucharist" is totally inadequate to describe the reality. The Eucharist IS God. That statement cannot be made about the People, the Word, the Priest, or the Church. We worship the Eucharist. We do not worship the People, the Word, the Priest or the Church. We worship God alone.

-- Paul M. (, September 30, 2004.

thanks guys

-- 7878 (, October 01, 2004.

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