Polaroid 8x10 processor - positive does not go throughgreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I have problems with my 8x10 Polaroid processor. More often than not, the negative goes through but the positive stays on the tray. I follow instructions carefully and make sure rollers are clean and in place. Also the fact that it works sometimes tells me I am doing it right. Is the problem with my processor (which I just bought 2nd hand) or with the positives(which are expired 804 positives)? It's been hugely frustrating and costly for me. I am at a lost. Any feedback much appreciated!
-- Kheng Ju Tan (khengju@yahoo.com), October 09, 2004
Sorry, I can not help you. It seems that the negative goes through but the positive stays on the tray, that is all I can say. Good luck and best wishes.
-- Kevin (kevin@yahoo.com), December 26, 2004.