Are there any MV Agusta F4 Senna's around for sale? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Are there any MV Agusta F4 Senna's around for sale?

-- Paul Lalley (, October 11, 2004


Paul Masis just put an ad out a couple of weeks ago. He has a senna.

Hello Members, Before placing a formal ad on one of my bikes, I would like to offer it to those most deserving. We ALL know how we feel everytime we jump aboard our MV's and take them for a ride; now, multiply that sensation tenfold to imagine the feeling of riding a Serie Oro or a Senna ("Best 750 of all Time- Fastbikes Magazine"). I can't explain it exactly, but they are just unbelievable to ride! I know this because I logged 18,000 miles on my 2000 F4S. This is neither a fire sale nor an attempt to squeeze the life from you, simply an attempt to sell only one of my 2 bikes. The ORO has 1350 miles and SENNA 4700 miles. If interested, give me a shout at 201-652- 2474. Ride Safe, Masis

-- Mike (, October 12, 2004.

Hey Mike, Thanks truly for passing on the info, though I'm having so much fun on the bike I'm not sure I still want to sell it.

-- Masis (, October 12, 2004.

No problem Masis thought I would help. If I were you I would hold on to it. I just love this damn bike!

-- Mike (, October 12, 2004.

I got my Senna out here in Hawaii last week and have been on it almost every day. What a great bike. I imagine she will still be in my garage 20 years from now with 40k+ miles on her. Good luck in your search.

-- Ian (, October 20, 2004.

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