Pre 1958 green paint : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

What paint should I use to paint the green on my E's and F's in 1957? I found the Scalecoat Gray #20 for the bottom of the locomotive. Thanks for your time! Bill.

-- William Sikma (, October 16, 2004


I use Modelflex acrylic paints and I believe that Poly Scale acrylics are available in the same colors. ModelFlex has a Southern green that is considered dead on. Also, Scalecoat #20 is too dark. When I used their paints I mixed it about 1:3 with white. The closest available paint is Modelflex SP Letter Gray. I used both these Modelflex paints when I made up the paint card for Lifelike to follow when painting their diesels--Larry

-- Larry Puckett (, October 16, 2004.

I understansd it is called "sylvan green".

I am looking for a large quanity (poss. 2 or 3 gallons) to paint a Kalamazoo motorcar with, if anyone knows where I can get some.


-- Elton (, October 17, 2004.

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