"What is a Doula" Presentation in NYC

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Doula.Com General Discussion : One Thread

Hello! My name is Rebecca and I am a birth doula. My partner and I are in the middle of putting together a presentation free of charge for expecting mothers, or anyone else who may be interested, about what a doula is and the benefits of having one, amongst other topics. This meeting will be held around the third week of January 2005. It will most probably be held in the Bronx or Manhattan, depending on where most people are coming from. As of now, we are currently trying to get a headcount so as to complete the details of the meeting. If you or anyone you know is interested in coming or would like further details, feel free to contact me at jrkrizco@makewombforbaby.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

Rebecca Birth Doula www.makewombforbaby.com www.naturalfamilyboutique.com/?makewombforbaby

-- Rebecca (jrkrizco@makewombforbaby.com), November 21, 2004

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