Gregorian chant : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Can anyone recommend a good CD or site where I could purchase Gregorian chant music? I would like to find one with a mixture of English and Latin words.

Thanks and God bless!

-- Emily (, November 25, 2004



-- (bump@bump.bump), November 25, 2004.

Emily - I love gregorian music - I wend to to a traditional mass adn immediately was inspired by the music. I found some Cd's at my local christian book store and on the net. If you contact the diocese office I'm sure they can direct you. Its worth the effort!


-- DPMB (, November 28, 2004.

DPMB, are there any CDs that you would recommend in particular, and why? (eg. high quality, good songs)

-- Emily (""), November 28, 2004.

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