RG3 Pipes for MV Agusta F4S

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a set of RG3 (Arrow) pipes for sale, with a chip. They have been fully polished. I will be putting them on Ebay shortly and was wondering how much they are worth? I am in the UK but will post worldwide. Thanks Faruke

-- Faruke Latif (faruke@ntlworld.com), November 26, 2004



You obviously didn't get the recall info from Three Cross.

They are hardly worth the postage, but I am happy to take them off your hands. As a concilation I'll even throw in a bag of sherbert lemons.

Seriously they seem to go for a wide range of prices and things seem to be a little slow on ebay at present. You might do better if you hold off until spring when people start to wake up a bit. Just a 'IMHO'.

-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), November 26, 2004.

e-mail me some pics and a $$ with shiping we will go from there

-- kingtut73 (courtlandamala@comcast.net), November 26, 2004.

I'm in the UK and happily take them of your hands how much are you looking for mail me a iaizx@yahoo.co.uk

-- iain (iainzx@yahoo.co uk), November 27, 2004.

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