Zero Common Sense : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread |
MORE ZERO COMMON SENSE POLICIESYet another of the many reasons why responsible parents should never surrender the souls of their children to the totalitarian government schools. In case you were comfortable with your decision as a parent to turn over your most precious possession to the nanny state, time for a wakeup call.
Today's lesson in government idiocy comes to us courtesy of the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia. It seems last Thursday little 10-year-old Porsche Brown took a pair of scissors to school. That's right, a pair of scissors. These were 8-inch scissors. In other words, full-sized sewing scissors. About the length of a width of a piece of paper.
And what did the fourth-grader do with the scissors? Did she threaten anyone with them? Of course not. But because the empty-headed wastes of oxygen that pass for "administrators" cannot think for themselves, they decided that just because she possessed the scissors, she violated their "zero tolerance" policy for potential weapons.
So what did they do? Did they take the scissors away from the child and call the parent? Not at all. That would be at least remotely sensible. No....they called the police and had the girl arrested. So the police arrived, handcuffed the 10-year-old child, and hauled her away in a patrol wagon. To their credit, the police eventually realized she had done nothing wrong and let her go.
But the government school overlords weren't done with their stupidity. They decided to suspend the girl for five days. They're now deciding whether she can return to her school, or be sent to a reform school. All over a pair of scissors.
Where you send your kids to school could be the most important decision you make as a parent. Turn them over to the government to be brainwashed, and this is what you get. This is how our government schools are teaching children to think, reason and resolve disputes. Good luck trying to sleep tonight.
-- Dick Tator (, December 13, 2004
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. That's rediculous. Another reason why public school sucks.
-- Anti-bush (, December 13, 2004.
That's enough for anybody to say "Beam me up Scotty! There's no intelligent life on this planet!" Fucking dumbass bastards!
-- (ain't tellin' @, December 15, 2004.