Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005 : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread

December 6, 2004:

The trip is a reality. Thay and the Plum Village Sangha will arrive in Hanoi on January 12, 2004 at 6:45 AM and leave Saigon at 11:00 PM on April 11, 2005. It is Thay's strong wish that many practitioners can still join Thay and offer support for this trip. There are still time and spaces to join the trip.

We will travel with 100 monastics and 90 lay members in each segment. We only have less than a month and a half to prepare for the trip, but things will be smoother this time because many uncertainties have been removed.

Click here to register online for the trip

Thank you for your support for the trip. Registrations of all 4 segments are closed as of December 28, 2004.


December 6, 2004 by Sr. Chan Khong

It is a great joy for us to announce that Thay will go back to Vietnam in the year 2005. Earlier this year, officials from the Vietnamese Embassy in the US came to Deer Park Monastery in California and officials from the Vietnamese Embassy in France came to Plum Village to practice in the retreats and to invite Thay to visit Vietnam.

Thay’s only requests are that he be able to teach a large audience there, as he does here in the West; and that twelve of his books be published before his return, to be used as text books for the teachings. He wishes to travel with 100 monastics and 90 lay friends in our four-fold sangha. There is a need for spirituality in Vietnam as in many socialist or former socialist countries opened to the West.

Thay wishes to bring back the best of his teaching to offer to the people there. You are among the best part of the gift Thay wants to offer to his homeland. We wish to invite you to join Thay in this trip because you have been a student of Thay for many years and have tried your best to practice. Now we ask you to come and offer your practice to your Vietnamese new friends.

The trip will be from January 12 till April 11 and we will visit 4 main areas. It is possible to visit other places separately. We have divided the trip into 4 segments. If you can join all four, it will be great. It is advisable that you stay for the entire 20 to 24 days of each segment; but if your time does not allow you this, then after a minimum stay of 2 weeks in your trip segment you may leave by your own transportation to the airport. You would need to prepare your tickets by yourself. You must arrive on the specified arrival day.

During each 20-24 day segment, there will be 6-7 days of sightseeing for you, our lay friends, organized by our hosts. The remaining days you will be with Thay offering our respect to the patriarchal temples. You will have a chance to see many temples, meeting with senior and younger monks and nuns as well as many wonderful lay Buddhist friends in Vietnam. Those occasions will be in a retreat-type atmosphere. Around Hanoi, the capital, there are many historical places which are deeply marked in the heart of Vietnamese people that you will learn about during the trip.

Please be aware of a few important points as you consider joining in this trip. Buddhism as practiced in Vietnam is different from Thay’s teachings that you have received in Plum Village. We would like to help make it alive and relevant through your practice.

1. You are invited to join Thay as joining a retreat, -- having peace and being peace in every step, practicing mindfulness in everything we do.

2. You will stay in a hotel near where Thay stays. A bus will bring you to join sitting meditation or to visit patriarchal temples. You will be invited to wear the Aó Tràng ( Buddhist grey robe) when you accompany Thay.

3. Thay’s talks could be very profound because he has so much to share with young generations of Buddhist practitioners in his homeland. All Dharma Talks will be given in Vietnamese, with simultaneous translation into English and French. We also will try to organize small teams of Vietnamese who could translate orally for you in some temples. You will need to bring your own earphones and a 10-meter (30-foot) long extension cord to hook up to the translation system.

De ba con xa gan to-tuong va dong gop y-kien.

-- LeTrungNam (, December 30, 2004


Response to Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005

Trinh do va su hieu biet dao Phat cua ong Nhat Hanh chi la so dang doi voi cac hoc gia nguoi Phap.Toi cung la nguoi nghien cuu ve Thien dao va Phat hoc ,cung da doc qua vai cuon sach cua ong thien su nay ,khong co gi sau sac va rong rai.Cuon sach ong ta viet co tua de la pleine conscience ,tam dich la tran day y thuc,chi la cop duoc mot trong hang ngan tu tuong sau sac cua Duc Phat.Noi chung neu so ong nay va Duc Dat Lai Lat Ma thi ong nay thua xa ve hieu biet va dao duc va nguoi dan mien Nam cung khong quen su lien he cua ong ta voi mot tay tuong phan gian cua Bac Viet la TT TTQuang tu Pham van Bong.

-- Lucius Nguyen (, December 31, 2004.

Response to Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005





-- Chau' Nam Cam (Du ma thang Ho chi, December 31, 2004.

Response to Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005




-- Chau' Nam Cam (Du ma thang Ho chi, January 01, 2005.

Response to Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005

VIE-2005-0119-1830.mp3 *0700 VC danh tieng muon lap quan he voi Vatican .. phong van mot linh muc tai Vatican... 1975 VC truc xuat Duc Su Than cua Toa Thanh.. *1450 y kien cua Nguyen Can... Chuyen di cua Nhat Hanh va hon 200 mon do... tieu su Nhat Hanh... nguoi Thua Thien, me o Quang Tri ... de tu cua HT Thich Tri Quang.. duoc cu di du hoc MY... sau do phan boi thay va Giao Hoi Phat Giao Thong Nhat... VC phai mot su co, Dam Lan lien lac voi Nhat Hanh... Su Co, Chan Khong quyet dinh chuyen di... muc tieu thu nhat: VC va Nhat Hanh muon chung minh VN co tu do ton giao... muc tieu thu hai: dung Thien de ru ngu nhung chong doi... muc dich thu ba: Lam cho Phat giao Hai ngoai chia re... Nhung nha su Cong an VC dang hoat dong tai VN... Nhat Hanh da bia nhung chuyen ve Ben Tre ... *3210 Dich cum gia cam *Trao doi thu tin...  

Nhan xet: "Dung thien de ru ngu nhung chong doi... " rat dung.. vi trong giai doan thu nhat cua Thien hoc la pha huy nhung ham muon, nhung duc vong, tim kiem hanh phuc thanh than cua ca nhan, lanh xa doi song thuc te, nham mat lam ngo truoc dau kho cua tha nhan, tranh xa nhung rac roi cua tri tue, avoid brain storming ... muc tieu la killing passion, killing will (good or bad) ... .. nhung mon sinh trong giai doan nay thuong cam thay phuong phap qua hay lam cho tinh than rat sang khoai, hanh phuc.. va ho me phuong phap khong muon thay doi... Nhat Hanh va mon sinh dac biet con tien xa hon trong viec ap dung meditation cho moi viec... everything meditation: kiss, hug, sex... Day la ly do da lam cho mot so nuoc theo Phat giao tren the gioi tro nen ngheo doi, va bi dao Hoi tieu diet .... Trong dao Phat co the coi day la mot trong nhung tinh trang "Chap Phap".. va cung vi coi trong nhung an lac hanh phuc cua ban than nen cung co the goi la "Chap Nga."

Tuy nhien, cung trong giai doan nay nhung mon sinh cua thien cung tro nen vo cung ich ky doi voi xa hoi, luoi bieng tham gia vao nhung chuyen xa hoi, khong thiet tha den viec sang tao, hoc hoi, ganh dua de cau tien ... nhung ho lai rat tu dac va kieu hanh voi hanh phuc rieng tu... Nhat Hanh thuong che nhao nhung nguoi luon co project va plan, che bai nhung nguoi na(ng no^? kinh doanh, che nhao nhung nguoi lam viec fulltime hoc fulltime .. Mon sinh cua Nhat hanh dai da so la nhung loai tri thuc sinh van chuong, ngon ngu bang cap, da so la nhung nguoi thuoc lanh vuc ly thuyet ... Ho thich giao phap nhu the thich "ngon tay chi vao mat trang" hon la thich "mat trang" .. thich Cau Noi Hay hon la thich Su That. 

Nhat Hanh song trong nac thang thu nhat va se giang day bac thu nhat cua Thien hoc.. co the Nhat Hanh khong tien den, khong biet den den , hoac khong muon tien den nac thu hai cua Thien Hoc: Building good will, good passion, hy sinh cho tha nhan, lay hanh phuc va su giai thoat cua tha nhan la chinh, chap nhan nhung mat mat cua hanh phuc ca nhan, Hanh Thien cuu kho, Cu Tran Lac Dao... giong nhu Phat Quan The Am, HT Thich Quang Duc, giong nhu cac nu tu trong Dao Thien Chua lan xa vao cho chet, cac nha truyen giao di tan vao nhung noi hoang vu nguy hiem nhat cua trai dat, chap nhan kho dau de tha nhan duoc hanh phuc.. Giong nhu nhung bac cha me lam viec cuc kho, khong dam danh ra nhung hanh phuc thanh than rieng tu, chap nhan dau don, tinh toan suy nghi hoat dong ngay dem ... de con chau doi sau co duoc doi song no am, du tien, du+ tai san.. phong khi thien tai, dich benh...

Giong nhu Cong San thuong danh vao Long Yeu Nuoc cua nguoi tre de huyen hoac... Bin Ladin danh vao long ghen ghet, ganh ti cua dai da so nguoi Ngheo doi voi thieu so nguoi Giau... Nhat Hanh danh vao ban chat thich Yeu Thuong, Long Hieu Thao cua con nguoi, su ua thich thanh than hanh phuc, tinh e so nhung su viec lo nghi phien toai ... de qui tu mon do ... day yeu thuong everything ngoai tru American va VNCH .. 

Giong nhu Ng Cao Ky chuyen suu tam thong tin kieu self-serving, mot chieu, haft-truth .. Nhat hanh thuong nhan manh trong cac bai thuyet giang... "Nguoi My de^'n VN vi quyen loi cua nguoi My... khong phai vi quyen loi cua nguoi Viet... " ... Nhat Hanh noi rat dung.. nhung con thieu va co tinh bo qua: "Nga vi quyen loi cua Nga, TC vi quyen loi TC, Dang Cong San vi quyen loi cua Dang cong San,... VC vi quyen loi cua VC... va cac mon sinh cua Nhat Hanh trong Lang Mai vi quyen loi cua Lang Mai...."  Phai noi la Nhat Hanh cao hon Duc Phat mot bac ve viec: noi nhieu, viet sach, quang cao ....  biet ap dung meditation vao kiss, hug, sex, khoai lac... Do do ma Nhat Hanh quyet dinh ly khai, bien doi, thanh lap mot ton giao rieng... 

Nhung bac thang cua Thien hoc

-- vo danh (, January 26, 2005.

Response to Thich Nhat Hanh’s Trip to Viet Nam Jan 12– April 11, 2005

Phải công nhận Việt Nam rất giỏi :

1 Đức Cha Ngô Đ́nh Thục (anh của Ngô Đ́nh Diệm ) đă lập ra một giáo phái làm cho Vatican hoảng sợ .

2 Vô thượng Thanh Hải Thiền Sư quá hay đến nỗi Mỹ cấm không cho giảng đạo tại Mỹ .

3 Thầy Thích Tâm Châu phát minh ra một lối thiền mới giúp cho thiền môn đạt đựợc khoái cảm tột đỉnh .

4 Hoà thượng Hồ Dâm Dục khai phá một giáo phái gọi là "sư quốc doanh" .

Thiệt chưa đầy một trăm năm mà nước ta lại lắm nhân tài như thế hèn ǵ đất nước ta lầm than .

-- thich du thu (, January 27, 2005.

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