Virgin Mary appears in picture : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hey folks. My family has this picture on the wall that was taken by a co-worker's relative of my father. I'm not sure where it was taken, but it was a couple of years ago at a place where The Virgin Mary was supposed have been appearing. Anyways, i just thought i'd show it to you.

Also, if you look to the left near the cross, you can see a dark image like creature holding what looks like a pitch fork. Actually, it's most likely the trickery of shadows and light. Hoever, Mother Mary is quite visible and the faithfull there seem to be ignoring Her.

Picture here

-- DJ (, December 31, 2004


bump please

-- DJ (, December 31, 2004.

Sorry, but I don't find either the dark smudge at the left or the woman in costume to be very convincing, especially considering the apparently disinterested behavior of the crowd.

-- Paul M. (, December 31, 2004.

Paul, i'm not saying it's legit, i really don't know. But the guy who shot the pic said She wasn't there when he took it. And to his amazement She was there after he got it developed. He sent it to his relative, a co-worker of my fathers and mine at one time who then seemed pretty excited when he shared this blown up photo with us after. He also said his relative was considering the priesthood after this. I never really followed up on what happened, so your guess is as good as mine.

-- DJ (, December 31, 2004.

I see nothing but a dark niught with a cross!

-- Jason (, December 31, 2004.

I see nothing but a dark niught with a cross!

It was taken in the day not night.

-- DJ (, January 01, 2005.

Hi, DJ

Thanks for sharing that picture.

Do you have any idea were it was taken?[ If it is on a family wall than this shouldn't be to hard to find out]

It did seem like a lot of older people there. If you tell us where, I think we can give you a better (Catholic) opinion on this.

Blessings to you and yours this New year.

God bless you.

-- - (, January 01, 2005.

Hi Dave. No I don't know where it was taken. The guy told my father, but he's not very good with the names of places so naturally he fogot when I had asked him. The pic is on my family wall. The co-worker had duplicates and gave us one just after it was sent to him.

However, i would never try convincing another of any unapproved apparitions and I know there haven't been any in a long while. I just think that it would be kind of interesting to show that's all. It's only on our wall because of it's mystery and is also just another way of vernerating the Image of Our Blessed Mother.

-- DJ (, January 01, 2005.

Looks like the picture was taken in Medjugorje... prehaps at the base of Mt Podbrdo or Krisvac.

I seem to remember the surroundings from two years ago...

-- Andrew (, January 05, 2005.

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