I want to get married in the Church, but I'm a non-baptized Divorcee

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I've been divorced for 4 years, apart from my ex for 5. I am not baptized. We were married by a Lutheran Minister (a friend of my ex's), in a gazebo; my ex was Russian Orthodox. I've found someone new, and he wants to marry me. I'm 30 and I want to be married before I have children. The man I want to marry is Catholic, but I'm being told that it will take up to a year and a half to try toget my marriage annuled, even then there are no guarantees it will ever happen. I also heard they have to contact my ex and I don't even know if he's in the US. Can anyone help?

-- Dena Luckett (dluckett@toyodausa.com), January 04, 2005


Bump to New Answers to invite comment.

-- (bump@bump.bump), January 04, 2005.

You should find out if your marriage can be considered at a tribunal with a quicker docket. Normally, you have two or three possible choices for where to file the petition. Call them all and find out the backlog at each. I have a friend that did this and that person had a full ordinary process case. It was considered at Philadelphia and granted in less than four months after filing.

-- Pat Delaney (patrickrdelaney@yahoo.com), January 04, 2005.

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