1800 Mission st.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Does anyone know what the original use and/or past uses of the buildling at 1800 MIssion st. was? It looks like a boarded up castle now, possibly an old ironworks or something? I drive past it and always wonder. Thanks

-- Julie Andersen (jkandersen@strideth.com), January 18, 2005


Nevermind, I found the answer. It is an old armory building. I found some references to the armory in another post and put two and two together. I found an article that a Dallas company was going to restore the place for 50$ million. Anyone know if that is still the plan? Sounds abit ludicrous to me.

-- Julie Andersen (jkandersen@strideth.com), January 18, 2005.

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