Converts and Cradle Catholics : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Part of the problem I've had with my current community is the way it treats those who were not born into the faith. It seems they're regarded as specimens in a bottle or science experiment. In general, what is the feeling towards converts to Catholicism by cradle Catholics?

Thanks for your help.

-- Rick W (, January 24, 2005


I'm not sure one can say that there is any "general" attitude Rick. At least I've never seen or heard of any in my entire life (cradle Catholic here). Never even have heard any discussion voiced in a parish, other than "Hurrah, we have a new member of the Church."

There has always been a buzz of genuine excitement when news spreads that someone has entered the Church, and then it's kind of back to business as usual. I haven't heard anyone else who has formerly been a non-Catholic express a similar experience..doesn't mean that they haven't, just haven't heard of it personally from people whom I have been acquainted.

-- Lesley (, January 24, 2005.

Yeah, i think it would be silly to generalize all protestants as that way towards converts to their faith. Of course your gonna get some people who act that way in any religion as everyone has their faults. But i've never personally viewed this amongst Catholic Converts. I actually notice that it is sometimes the converts who teach the Cradle Catholics about the faith since usually they have digested much of the teachings of the Church in order to convert.

-- DJ (, January 24, 2005.

I sincerely didn't mean to imply that all Protestants treat converts badly. I also didn't mean to say that all members of my group do either. Of course DJ is right, there will be a few who do, and it's those that I seem to have encountered - a small but vocal minority. My post should have been limited to the question alone. Again, I'm sorry for any misperceptions I caused.

-- Rick W (, January 24, 2005.

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