Help ! Can't find manuals for WV-500d camera : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

Hey out there,

I recently acquired a Panasonic WV-5000d camera and have been running myself crazy trying to find operator's and service manuals for the thing. I keep hitting a dead end through the Panasonic web site. Does anyone have a clue as to where I can find these manuals?

Many thanks Oh DV Gurus.

-- Steve Corcoran (, January 25, 2005


WV-D5000 manuals

I found all kinds of manuals at a place called The Mug Joint, Inc. I did a search engine and went to their homepage. Once there, click on "Ya Wanna Make a Movie" and it will take you to a listing of companies they have manuals for. Hope that helps.

-- Jeff Martin (, February 05, 2005.

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