Need identification of signed 2 ladies deco : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
Hello, I am triny to identify the artist of this large deco clock case I recently acquired. It is about 22 inches long. Make of spelter/pot metal pretty heavy and has two ladies leaning on each side of the clock case. Appears to be ca 1920s On the right back corner it is signed by the artist but it is hard to make out. Looks like ends with 'ko'? I can email pictures. Hope someone can help with this? Thanks, Harry
-- Harry Burton (, January 26, 2005
Is there a manufacturer on the movement or dial? The primary manufactuer of spelter clocks was United, but Mastercrafters also produced many such clocks. If you can send a picture, I'll check my files of clock design patents.
-- Jim Linz (, January 27, 2005.