History of a Building

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I am looking for some history on a building. The building was a convent many years ago, I beleive the convent was that of the Franciscan Sisters. The building is now a drug treatment/recovery program. The address is 815 Buena Vista West in the upper haight district. I would like to know how I can get that information. When it was built, some architectural description, how long it served as a convent, etc.

Help with answering this question is greatly appreciated.

Chloe Mays cmays@waldenhouse.org

-- Chloe Mays (cmays@waldenhouse.org), January 30, 2005



The building is listed in teh 1897 directory as both the St Zita Home and the St Francis Girls Directory. Directory, by the way, is an old fashioned term for "a place that gives direction" like an orphanage.

Good luck in your research.

-- kurt iversen (iversenk@aol.com), February 01, 2005.

The San Fransico Public Library has a great guide on how to do just this type of research:


Have fun! Rick

-- Rick Freeman (rick@weboom.com), February 01, 2005.

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