Most Unusual Catholic Wedding : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

What is the most unusual CATHOLIC WEDDING you have witnessed or heard about? Ever seen a Catholic Bride in purple? Nose ring? Unusual locations? How out of the ordinary can a Catholic wedding get?

-- (, February 04, 2005



-- (bump@bump.bump), February 04, 2005.

What possible value could there be in discussing this? We are not here for sensationalism.

The most important things to keep constantly in mind are (1) the fact that Catholic Marriage is an extremely holy thing, a sacrament instituted by Jesus to give grace, and (2) the fact that Catholic Marriage is usually celebrated within the context of the holy sacrifice of the Mass, at which the spouses and the witnesses are permitted to "enter into," in a mysterious way, Christ's very death and resurrection.

Reflecting on those awesome facts helps one see that the "unusual" character of some wedding or other is a boring and worthless thing by comparison.

-- With this ring (I@Thee.Wed), February 04, 2005.

Spare me the lousy sermon. I am genuinely interested in knowing whether a Catholic wedding actually detracts from this: bride in white/beige, bridegroom in white/black/grey/beige/brown, wedding mass in the Church. Seems like all Catholic couples had the same ordinary type of wedding.

-- (, February 04, 2005.

Spare us the nonsense questions.

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 04, 2005.

Spare us your incessant rudeness then fake apologies.

-- (, February 04, 2005.

I’m guessing that when you say “detracts” you really mean “diverges”. What exactly the point you are trying to make? That you find Catholic weddings boring?

Re color, for your info I wore blue at my Catholic wedding. I haven’t done a survey but I would guess that if you asked all Catholic married couples ( as opposed to, I guess, the couples you have asked who are probably all from the same country, race and culture) the colors they wore at their wedding would include every color of the rainbow. The color they wear has no religious significance. I'm sure there would be no objection to nose rings either.

Some Catholic weeddings take place within a Mass but many do not. As for locations, all Catholic weddings take place in a church. (There might possibly be some rare exceptions made from this for serious reasons.) The whole point is that it’s community event for the whole Christian community. Not some invitation-only affair in a private garden or whatever.

-- Steve (, February 04, 2005.

The most unusual Catholic wedding I ever witnessed was when the bride wore a pale blue wedding dress and the groom wore an all white tux with a pale blue cumberbund.

Both participants were Catholic and the Wedding Mass was held in the Bride's home parish.

Part of the ceremony included the Bride kneeling in front of the Blessed Virgin with the groom standing behind her. They also jointly read a prayer asking for God's assistance throughout their marriage.

It was one of the happiest days of my life.

-- - (, February 04, 2005.

The most unusual Catholic wedding I've ever been to was last summer. Some friends were getting married in a Catholic Church with a priest and a Rabbi present. Not only did the priest say mass and marry the couple, but the Rabbi had a seat to the side of the altar (where the altar servers sat) and said a few words after the priest gave his homily. Just before the vows, the Rabbi said a quick blessing and read from the Old Testament. I believe the groom was Jewish and insisted that his lifelong Rabbi be there. The Rabbi was so good about it and everybody just kind of smiled after it was over.

By the way, to those of you who were so rude and snobby to "nosexbeforemarriage," all i have to say is, get over yourself and grow up.

-- brian (, February 04, 2005.

Is it so rude to reprove somebody who says to another Catholic, ''Spare me your lousy sermon,''----- ? ? ?

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 04, 2005.

Spare us the nonsense questions.

-- (, February 04, 2005.

Nobody as rude as you are is in a position to cry ''spare me.''

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 05, 2005.

eugene, take this to the thread for this nonsense....'eugene doctrine thread' started for your little child games...please grow up you silly man.

-- ... (..@....), February 05, 2005.

Steve, typicalgroom, brian, ... (..@....),

Thank you very much for your answers.

-- (, February 05, 2005.

OK, Davie. Ciao!

-- eugene c. chavez (, February 05, 2005.

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