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What's the difference between a saint and an angel?

-- Jesse D (jessededeyne@hotmail.com), February 12, 2005


i don't know...exactly but i think it's like this:

saints are people that the catholics think were very good and are proclaimed holy by the vatican

angels are like some kind of winged servants of god that look like humans and live in heaven

-- sdqa (sdqa@sdqa.com), February 12, 2005.

A saint was an exemplary human being who lived his life on this earth, died and was then canonized by the Church in recognition for his/her goodness.

An angel generally has no corporal presence. They were created to serve both God and mankind. They don't live on this earth as people do and don't have bodies that die.

-- Jim (furst@flash.net), February 12, 2005.

Well, there are those three prominent angels who also go by the name "saint." Linguistically, however, "saint" comes from Latin "sanctus" which means "holy," and "angel" comes from Greek "angelos" which means "messenger." A saint is someone, human or angelic, who has shown exemplary holiness that we all can imitate. An angel is a spirit that serves God and, among other things, brings His messages to us.

-- Michael Healy, Jr. (temuchinkhakhan@yahoo.com), February 12, 2005.

There should be a disctinction made between saints (All Christian believers), and Saints (canonized by the Catholic Church)

-- Oliver Fischer (spicenut@excite.com), February 13, 2005.

All Christian believers???

I remember reading in a Catechism that all the souls in Heaven are saints. Also, every mortal is a sinner, whether or not he is a believer.

-- JJ (nospam@nospam.com), February 14, 2005.

Augustine of Hippo and Francis of Assisi are Saints, but early on they were certainly not angels!!!!!


-- Karl (Parkerkajwen@hotmail.com), February 14, 2005.


This reminds me of a post a few months ago, by someone who was under the impression that humans turn into angels when they get to Heaven.

I think the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" probably has helped further the confusion.

-- JJ (nospam@nospam.com), February 14, 2005.

To clarify:

The first and only time I saw the movie, I thought Clarence was supposed to be a human waiting to receive his wings and become an angel. Maybe it was just me....

-- JJ (nospam@nospam.com), February 14, 2005.

Canonized Saints are human beings who through their exemplary holiness are formally recognized by the Church.

I'm sure there are millions who deserve the same public recognition if it were possible.

Does anyone know how many names are submitted or in the process of seeked canonization?

God bless

-- john placette (jplacette@catholic.org), February 15, 2005.

angels are beings in heaven made to worship and serve god

saints are christains like you and me....,

saint katie *sounds good* :)

-- kt (jc_died_4_me@hotmail.com), February 18, 2005.

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